From the production point of consumption completely,first of all the world’s tourism industry of energy consumption and carbon emissions situation analysis,on this basis,the carbon emissions of tourism industry in 2010/2012/2014/2016 and other years were analyzed and combined with the input-output analysis method to explore the tourism industry of our country carbon emissions industry chain for each link and carbon potential.The results showed that since 2010 the carbon emissions of China’s tourism industry overall growth trend,but the growth rate is small;the scale of tourist and tourism consumption is the main driving force of the total carbon emissions growth;tourism carbon emissions,there are significant regional differences,but the regional differences are gradually narrowing;tourism spatial distribution of carbon emissions not all,showed the overall uneven spatial pattern;the tourism industry of our country carbon emissions accounted for China carbon emissions and global tourism carbon emissions 3.25%and 5.42%;The results show that,in order to complete the goal of reducing carbon Tourism in our country,needs to be coordinated from the national strategic level,more dependent on the related industries to provide intermediate products of low carbon high carbon emissions per person;tourists inbound tourists and urban tourists should bear the emission reduction responsibility of carbon emissions;China tourism needs large emission space.
Gu Shengyu;Wu Yingwei(Institute of tourism,Kaohsiung University of Hospitality,Kaohsiung Taiwan 81271)
Northern Economy and Trade
Energy consumption
input-output method
direct carbon emissions
indirect carbon emissions
total carbon emissions