通过分析Open Science已有研究成果(特别是欧盟研究成果),Open Science的由来、涵义,图书馆服务发展历程以及其在灰预测视阈下的发展趋势,建立了基于我国图书馆服务的CLSOS平台模型。Open Science时代我国图书馆服务遵循基于顶层设计、开放的科学资源、开放的科学研究、开放的科学传播、实践-反馈良性循环上升运动五大步骤的CLSOS平台模型发展,有助于我国Open Science能力实现跨越式发展。
By analyzing Open Science's existing research results,especially the results of European Union's,and the origin,meaning,development course of library services and its development trend under the grey prediction horizon,the CLSOS platform model based on library services in China has been established.In the era of Open Science,Chinese library services follow the development of CLSOS platform models based on top-level design,open scientific resources,open scientific research,open scientific communication,and practice-feedback virtuous cycle,will help China Open Science to achieve leapfrogging development.
Journal of The Library Science Society of Sichuan