

Critical thinking and drama education
摘要 关于戏剧教育价值存在着一些具有争议性的观点,例如,戏剧本身具有批判性思维,戏剧作品可以促进批判性思维。如果此观点成立,那将是一个重要的声明,因为,批判性思维能力的培养在纷繁复杂的世界中是至关重要的。为证明这一观点的合理性,需要对批判性思维的概念进行全面考察,并详细阐述批判性思维与戏剧之间的关系。戏剧可以培养批判性思维的论点是建立在清晰、连贯、站得住脚的批判性思维概念之上的,以此为基础,对批判性思维如何成为戏剧工作的一部分加以阐述。作者的研究主要集中在戏剧教育的性质、公正性和批判性思维两个方面,在这篇文章中,她通过详细介绍如何在戏剧和戏剧教育的背景下理解批判性思维,以及怎样将这些领域有效的结合在一起。首先,她考察了以北美为例的批判性思维在一般教育尤其是戏剧教育中的概念化倾向;其次,她概述了与温哥华同事一起发展起来的批判性思维的概念,指出它不同于教育理论和实践中的概念,并解释了这个概念的合理性;最后,她将这一概念应用于戏剧领域,并举例说明它对戏剧和戏剧教育的意义。 one of the arguments which is sometimes made about the educational value of drama is that drama involves critical thinking and that critical thinking can be promoted by work in drama.If this is the case,it is an important claim,since the ability to think critically is crucial in our complex and problematic world.But in order to support this claim,the concept of critical thinking needs to be examined fully and the connection between critical thinking and drama needs to be elaborated in detail.The argument that drama can foster critical thinking needs to rest on a clear,coherent and defensible conception of critical thinking and needs to be elaborated in terms of a detailed consideration of how,exactly,critical thinking can be part of work in drama.The author's research has focused both on the nature and justification of drama education and on critical thinking,and in this article she brings these areas together by detailing bow critical thinking might be understood in the context of drama and drama education.In order to do this,she first examines the way critical thinking has tended to be conceptualized in education in general and in drama education in particular,at least in North America.She then outlines a conception of critical thinking which she has been developing together with colleagues in Vancouver,shows bow it is different from conceptions prominent in educational theory and practice,and explains why they believe it is a defensible conception.Finally,she applies this conception to the area of drama and develops several examples to show what it would mean for drama and drama education.
作者 贝林˙沙龙 杨塔娜(译) 布图格勒其(校) Bailin sharon;Yang tana(Translator);Butugeleqi(Proofreader)(Simon Fraser University Vancouver,Canada,V5K1K5;Inner Mongolia art College,Hohhot China 010010;Beijing new oriental english school,100000)
出处 《内蒙古艺术学院学报》 2019年第4期80-85,共6页 Journal of Inner Mongolia Arts University
关键词 戏剧 戏剧教育 批判性思维 表演 Drama Drama education Critical thinking Performance
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