
中国大陆裔移民极少占据美欧大企业高管岗位的现象及其原因分析 被引量:2

Why Very Few Chinese Mainland-origin Talents Occupied Executive Positions in US, UK, Germany and France Leading Stock Market Index Enterprises?
摘要 近年来陆续有报道指出,中国大陆裔移民一代极少占据美国职场高端岗位。基于这一现象是否属实及在哪些层面上属实,本文使用273家美国道指30、纳指100、财富美国200强企业(分别代表美国工业核心企业、高科技企业和大企业)以及170家英德法三大工业核心股指企业(100家英国富时指数企业、30家德国法兰克福DAX股指企业和40家法国CAC股指企业)计算中国大陆裔所占比例,并与印度裔、中国台湾裔及中国香港裔对比。数据验证上述现象确属存在,一是在绝对人数上仅8名大陆裔移民占据273家美企非CEO类普通高管岗位,其中0人占据CEO级别高管岗位;二是大陆裔移民占据美企273家高管岗位的排名靠后、岗位类别极窄;三是美英德法四大股指总计443家企业的CEO类高管岗位的大陆裔移民为0。本文的研究结论是,"作为整体的大陆一代移民极少能在美欧大企业内爬升至高管岗位"这一现象确属存在,根本原因在于"大陆人与美国及欧洲人的思维模式存在很大差异"。认为原因有二:一是统计年龄段赴美大陆裔移民升任美国企业高管团队难度大,二是中国发展红利期导致较多美企华裔中层管理者被派回大陆;同时排除了两个原因:赴美大陆留学生英语非母语和留学生生源素质和数量。 Recent reports show very few Chinese mainland-origin talents(first generation immigrants,the same below)have successfully occupied high-end positions such as CEO-level(the top level)or Executive-level(the second-top level)in US enterprise job market.To identify and quantify this issue,this paper calculates and compares the exact ratio of the mainland-origin,Taiwan-origin,Hongkong-origin and India-origin talents of 273 enterprises from all-sample of US Dow 30 enterprises,Nasdaq 100 enterprises,Fortune 200 enterprises and UK FTSE100 index enterprises,Germany DAX 30 index enterprises and France CAC 40 index enterprises.The 273 enterprises are all-sample and have a full representative of US,UK,Germany and France leading stock market index.Research results identifies the phenomenon does exist in US enterprises and the same trend exists in UK,Germany and France enterprises as well.Some findings include:1)Only 8 of Chinese mainland-origin have the Executive-level positions in 273 US enterprises,but none of them holds a CEO-level position.2)Comparing with the Taiwan-origin Hongkong-origin and India-origin,Chinese mainland-origin talents hold much few Executive-level positions and a much narrower position types in 273 US enterprises.3)None of Chinese mainland-origin holds CEO-level position in all 443 US,UK,German and French leading stock market index enterprises.This paper concludes the fundamental reason is the mindset of Chinese mainland-origin immigrant talents hugely differ with the native US and UK,Germany and France.Further,this paper points out two causes behind the situation and excludes the other two causes.
作者 封颖 Feng Ying(Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China,Beijing 100038,China)
出处 《中国科技论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第1期165-180,共16页 Forum on Science and Technology in China
基金 科技部2018年度委托性工作任务“我国科技情况国外舆情监测”资助
关键词 中国大陆裔移民 美欧职场 企业高管 Chinese mainland-origin talents USA and Europe job market Enterprise executive positions
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