
美国设计理论体系发展研究——中国当代设计理论构建的美国经验 被引量:1

Research on the Development of American Design Theory System: American Experience in the Construction of Contemporary Chinese Design Theory
摘要 美国设计理论体系经历了欧洲化、本土化和全球化三个发展阶段,形成了一套以实用为基础、以创新为驱动、以商业为依托、以生态为责任的设计理论体系。19世纪的欧洲设计理论对美国设计理论体系的构建影响深远,但是美国没有照搬欧洲模式,而是不断探索本土化路径。本土化的重点在于从“欧洲精英”向“美国大众”转变,实质是形成文化认同,确立身份认同。在全球化过程中,美国以设计为载体输出文化观念,扮演时代引领者的角色。当前,构建中国当代设计理论体系是我国设计行业赢得话语权并确立中国设计精神的重要任务,借鉴美国设计理论体系的有益经验,有助于提高我国设计产业的国际竞争力,创建中国设计学派,重新树立中华文化的自信。 The American design theory system has gone through three development stages of Europeanization,localization and globalization,and formed a set of design theory system based on practicality,innovation-driven,business-based and ecological responsibility.The European design theory of the 19th century had a profound impact on the construction of the American design theory system,but the United States did not copy the European model completely and continued to explore the localization path.The focus of localization is to transform from“European elite”to“American public”.The essence is to form cultural identity and establish identity.In the process of globalization,the United States uses design as a carrier to export cultural ideas and play the role of an era leader.At present,constructing a contemporary Chinese design theory system is an important task for the Chinese design industry to gain the right to speak and establish the spirit of Chinese design.Drawing on the useful experience of the American design theory system,it will help improve the international competitiveness of China s design industry and create the Chinese design school to re-establish confidence in Chinese culture.
作者 邹其昌 孙聪 ZOU Qichang;SUN Cong
出处 《阅江学刊》 2019年第6期15-23,117,共10页 Yuejiang Academic Journal
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“中华工匠文化体系及其传承创新研究”(16ZDA105)
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