某酒店供热面积约10. 1×10~4m^2,房间末端装置为风机盘管,采用市政热网集中供热。在距酒店仅1. 5 km处有污水处理厂,考虑将污水厂排水作为低温热源加以利用,采用污水源热泵机组替代市政热源。将市政集中供热系统作为比较对象,采用差额静态投资回收期作为评价指标,评价污水源热泵供热系统的经济性。污水源热泵供热系统的设备材料造价为607×10~4元,供暖期运行费用为222. 25×10~4元/a。热价取34元/m^2时,市政集中供热系统的年热费为343. 4×10~4元/a,供热介质循环泵年电费为10. 47×10~4元/a。可计算得到污水源热泵供热系统的差额静态投资回收期为4. 61 a,经济性比较理想。
The heating area of a hotel is about10. 1 × 10~4 m^2,the end of the room is a fan coil,and the municipal heat network is used for central heating.There is a sewage treatment plant only 1. 5 km away from the hotel. It is considered that the drainage water from the sewage treatment plant is used as a low temperature heat source,and the sewage source heat pump is adopted to replace municipal heat source. The municipal central heating system is used as a comparison object,and the differential static investment payback period is used as an evaluation index to evaluate the economy of sewage source heat pump heating system.The equipment cost of the sewage source heat pump heating system is 607 × 10~4 yuan,and the heating period operating cost is 222. 25 × 10~4 yuan/year. When the heat price is 34 yuan/m^2,the annual heat cost of the municipal central heating system is 343. 4 × 10~4 yuan,and the annual electricity cost of the heating medium circulation pump is 10. 47 × 10~4 yuan. The differential static investment payback period of the sewage source heat pump heating system can be calculated to be 4. 61 years,and the economy is ideal.
LI Jingjing;XU Wen
Gas & Heat
hotel building
sewage source heat pump
technical economy