
街区尺度城市风廊发掘与热岛缓解策略——以大连为例 被引量:1

Block-scale urban wind corridor excavation and strategy of heat island easing taking Dalian as example
摘要 由于全球气候变暖,城市化发展导致的热岛效应叠加城市热浪将对城市居民生活造成重大影响,利用通风廊道来缓解与改善城市热压力已成为城市设计领域的全新视角。本文选取大连星海湾7km×7km的区域,在街区尺度下通过GIS空间分析技术计算了城市盛行风下潜在的通风廊道,并利用实地温度测量建立了研究区域的温度场。根据通风廊道叠加温度场的结果,选取了热负荷较高且有一定通风潜力的地区,提出了相应的景观缓解对策。研究对城市规划及城市设计领域提升城市气候环境质量提供了一种思路和方法。 Due to global warming, the heat island effect caused by urbanization, coupled with urban heat wave, will have a significant impact on the life of urban residents. Applying ventilation path to relieve and improve urban thermal pressure has become a new perspective in the field of urban design. Taking the 7 km×7 km area of Xinghai bay in dalian as an example, this paper calculated the potential ventilation path under the prevailing wind by GIS spatial analysis technology, and established the temperature field in the study area by using the field temperature measurement.According to the result of superimposed temperature field of ventilation path, the area with high thermal load and certain ventilation potential was selected, and corresponding landscape mitigation measures were proposed.The study provides an idea and method for urban planning and urban design to improve the quality of urban climate and environment.
出处 《住宅产业》 2019年第12期8-12,共5页 Housing Industry
基金 国家社科基金项目《基于远景预测的城市气候灾害协同防治体系研究》(项目批准号:18BGL233)
关键词 通风廊道 城市热岛 GIS空间分析 城市设计 Ventilation path Urban heat island GIS spatial analysis Urban design
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