

The Historical Relationship of New Youth Colleagues and Chinese Traditional Culture
摘要 由于知识界在对"传统"一词的理解上存在着歧义,因此长期以来,在《新青年》同人是否全盘反传统这个问题上,一直存在着两种声音。其实,《新青年》同人与中国传统文化之间始终存在着一种特殊而复杂的历史情缘,清末民初新旧杂陈、内忧外患的特殊历史环境正是这种情缘形成的根本原因。这一历史情缘的特殊性与复杂性在朴学,孔学与孔教,传统上、下层文化这三方面表现得淋漓尽致。一方面,新旧杂陈的文化格局使《新青年》同人的内心深处始终有一种难以割舍的传统文化情结;另一方面,内忧外患的政治环境以及对"伦理的觉悟"的深刻认识迫使他们只能将文化作为一种达成政治目的的手段,而将那份固有的传统文化情结深埋心底。反专制、倡民主、救亡图存的时代主题以及"位卑未敢忘忧国"的淑世情怀促使他们这一代五四先驱义不容辞地走上了一条"为政治而文化"的特殊道路。 Because of the different meanings in the understanding of the word "tradition" in the intellectual world, there have been two kinds of voices on whether the New Youth colleagues are completely anti-traditional for a long time. In fact, there is always a special and complex historical relationship between the New Youth colleagues and Chinese traditional culture,and the special historical environment of the coexistence of the old and the new, domestic trouble and foreign invasion during the period of Late Qing Dynasty and early Republic of China is exactly the root cause of this relationship. The particularity and complexity of this historical relationship are incisively and vividly in three aspects: textual criticism learning, Confucianism and Kongjiao, the traditional upper culture and lower culture. On the one hand, the cultural pattern of the coexistence of the old and the new created such a sight: there is always a kind of traditional cultural complex that is difficult to give up in New Youth colleagues’ heart of hearts;on the other hand, the political environment of domestic trouble and foreign invasion and the profound understanding of "ethical consciousness" force them to use culture only as a means to achieve political ends, but to bury the inherent traditional cultural complex in their heart of hearts.Theme of the times of anti-despotism, advocating democracy, saving their country so that it may survive and the sense of "even though my position is humble, I dare not forget to worry about my country" prompted their generation of May 4 th pioneers to embark on a special road of "culture for the sake of politics".
作者 李宏坤 黄阳阳 LI Hong-kun;HUANG Yang-yang(School of History and Culture,Henan University,Kaifeng 475001;School of History,Qingdao University,Qingdao 266071,China)
出处 《河南科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 2019年第6期30-36,共7页 Journal of Henan University of Science & Technology(Social science)
关键词 《新青年》同人 中国传统文化 历史情缘 孔学与孔教 New Youth colleagues Chinese traditional culture historical relationship Confucianism and Kongjiao
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