Most of the machineries in small or large-scale industry have rotating elementsupported by bearings for rigid support and accurate movement. For proper functioning ofmachinery, condition monitoring of the bearing is very important. In present study soundsignal is used to continuously monitor bearing health as sound signals of rotatingmachineries carry dynamic information of components. There are numerous studies inliterature that are reporting superiority of vibration signal of bearing fault diagnosis.However, there are very few studies done using sound signal. The cost associated withcondition monitoring using sound signal (Microphone) is less than the cost of transducerused to acquire vibration signal (Accelerometer). This paper employs sound signal forcondition monitoring of roller bearing by K-star classifier and k-nearest neighborhoodclassifier. The statistical feature extraction is performed from acquired sound signals. Thentwo-layer feature selection is done using J48 decision tree algorithm and random treealgorithm. These selected features were classified using K-star classifier and k-nearestneighborhood classifier and parametric optimization is performed to achieve the maximumclassification accuracy. The classification results for both K-star classifier and k-nearestneighborhood classifier for condition monitoring of roller bearing using sound signals werecompared.