
浅析安全管理“四结合”在石油工程企业中的运用 被引量:1

Brief Analysis on the Application of “Four Combinations” in Safety Management of Petroleum Engineering Enterprises
摘要 保证企业安全生产是一切工作的前提和基础,石油工程企业拥有的固定资产和各种物资,人力所占比例很高。同时,由于工程生产的复杂性和特殊性,一旦发生事故所造成的损失和社会影响较大,如不能保证工程施工安全和施工人员的人身安全和健康,就不可能顺利完成工程任务。安全就是生产力,安全就是一种看似无形却有形的经济利益。抓好安全工作,减少或杜绝发生重大火灾、井喷失控、工伤等事故的发生,是石油工程企业管理的核心工作。中石化华东石油工程公司自2016年重组整合以来,创新安全管理理念,积极在安全管理"三无"、"四结合"方面进行尝试,确保公司安全快速发展。 To ensure the safety in production is the premise and foundation of all work in an enterprise. The proportion of manpower is very high in petroleum engineering enterprises. Meanwhile, due to the complexity and particularity of the project production, the loss and social impacts are huge once accidents occur. It is impossible to complete the project task smoothly unless the safety of the project construction and the safety and health of the construction workers can be guaranteed. Safety is productivity and it’s a seemingly invisible but tangible economic benefit. It is the core work of management in petroleum engineering enterprises to do a good job in safety work so as to reduce or eliminate the occurrence of major fire, out of control for blowout, and work-related injuries. Since the reorganization and integration of certain engineering company in 2016, innovative safety management requirements have been proposed covering" three nos"(i.e." no individual violations, no hidden dangers in posts, no accidents in responsible areas") and" four combinations"(i.e. combination of production tasks and safety measures, combination of safety rules and regulations and individual codes of conduct, combination of risk factors and preventive measures, combination of safety in production and assessment of rewards and punishments). These have been applied into practice actively to ensure the safe and rapid development of the company.
作者 赵大卫 Zhao Dawei(SINOPEC Huadong Oilfield Service Corporation,Nanjing,Jiangsu,210019)
出处 《石油化工安全环保技术》 CAS 2019年第6期16-19,I0001,I0002,共6页 Petrochemical Safety and Environmental Protection Technology
关键词 安全管理 四结合 石油工程 safety management four combinations petroleum engineering enterprise
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