

The Contention of Different Schools of Thought throughout the World and the Innovation of Ethical Discourse:A Case Study of Feng Qi’s Theory of “the Self-confirming of Virtue”
摘要 我们正处于东西文化激荡会通、趋于合流的时代,中国哲学的各流派都将在世界性百家争鸣中接受考验。冯契的“智慧说”是在哲学层面解决“古今中西之争”的创造性成果,具有世界哲学的意义。德性自证是走向真善美统一的自由之境的重要环节,也是冯契“智慧说”中一个富有原创性、个性化的理论表达。它植根于民族文化传统的思维方式和价值理想,在深入反思中国近代以来伦理价值观变革的基础上,将中国传统哲学重在求德与西方哲学重在求知的传统,在广义认识论的基础上统一起来,为打通不同文化传统意义的德性论确立了一个牢固的本体论基础,开创了德性伦理话语建构的新路向。冯契的德性自证理论,既是一个极富洞见的道德探究范式,也是一个需要在实践中不断证成和完善的伦理学方案。 As the leading issue in modern China,“Whither China?”culturally manifests in the debate of“the Past versus the Present and the Chinese versus the Western”.Feng Qi's doctrine of wisdom is a creative achievement in solving this debate at the philosophical level.As a modern development of Chinese philosophy,Feng's doctrine of wisdom has also made contribution to world philosophy.The self-confirming of virtue is an important step to the realization of free virtue with the unity of truth,good and beauty.The theory is a creative and individualized theory in Feng Qi's theory of virtue.It is rooted in traditional and rational way of thinking and value ideal.Based on epistemology in a broad sense,it has unified the Chinese tradition emphasizing virtue and the Western tradition pursuing knowledge after profoundly examining the transformation of moral values since modern times in China.It provides us with a new approach to virtue ethics and builds a solid ontological foundation for theories of virtues that integrate different traditions.While it has provided a paradigm for virtue ethics,Feng's theory of the self-confirming of virtue is still open to improvement in practice.
作者 付长珍 Fu Changzhen(China Association for Ethical Studies;Shanghai Association of Ethical Studies)
出处 《文化发展论丛》 2019年第1期29-35,共7页 Culture Development Review
关键词 世界性百家争鸣 冯契 德性自证 自由人格 Contention of Hundreds of Schools Feng Qi Self-defense of Virtue Free Personality
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