In 2002,the United States put forward the concept of industrial internet,In 2013,it put forward industrial 4.0 strategy at the Hanover Industrial Exposition in Germany and Made in China 2025 in 2015,the birth of new nouns symbolizes the emergence of new technologies and their impact on social development and change,digital economy,artificial intelligence,5G era and so on are more impacts on traditional industrial enterprises.Enterprise production safety has become more mature,but industrial information security is in its infancy.Risk hidden danger is imminent.Protection means need to be improved urgently.For enterprises,whether it is production safety or information security,the aim is to ensure the safe and stable operation of production,existing industrial information security solutions lie more in the protection between different security domains,eliminating hidden dangers of safety and curing diseases are not in the root of the skin,this paper explores the solution of industrial information security from the perspective of enterprise production.
Industrial Control Computer
industrial control system
industrial information security
safety protection