Sex chromosome abnormality is a common genetic disorders caused by sex chromosome disease,the incidence of a disease of the newborn is about 1/400~1/500,including Klinefelter syndrome combinations(KS,47,XXY),Turner syndrome(TS,45,X),super male syndrome(47,XYY),estrogen syndrome(47,XXX),a variety of other types of Mosaic and multiple extra sex chromosomes,for example:48,49,XXXX even XXXXX.Sex chromosome structural abnormalities.Common X chromosome structural abnormalities include translocations,deletions,alleles,and inversions.Noninvasive fetal DNA testing(NIPT)can detect sex chromosomal abnormalities and further predict fetal outcome,thus reducing the birth of deformed babies.Sex chromosome abnormalities are rare compared with other chromosomal disorders.Moreover,NIPT is relatively accurate in the detection of aneuploidy of chromosome 13,18 and 21,and there are not many studies on the detection of sex chromosome abnormalities in this technique.The relationship between the two needs to be further studied,which is summarized in this paper.
WU Ru-yan;WANG Xiao-hua(Inner Mongolia Medical University,Hohhot 010030 China;Inner Mongolia Medical and Child Health Hospital,Hohhot 010010 China)
Inner Mongolia Medical Journal