
人性、宗教信仰与帝国秩序——1555年《奥格斯堡宗教和约》及其规制意义 被引量:1

Humanity,Religious Belief and Imperial Order:The Peace of Augsburg (1555) and the Meaning of Regulation
摘要 1555年奥格斯堡帝国议会决议将神圣罗马帝国之前关于和平与秩序的法令扩展适用于宗教争端,试图通过政治和法律的方式实现宗教和平与帝国秩序。1555年《奥格斯堡宗教和约》明确了路德新教在帝国的合法性存在,原则上规定了帝国阶层的宗教信仰自由、"教随邦定"原则及其例外情形,但是由于没有有效的制度措施来保证和约的遵行,因而只能以"允诺遵守"的方式体现其"规制"意义。1555年《奥格斯堡宗教和约》的达成体现出妥协的基本原则,主要目的在于谋求帝国内部的和平与秩序,而其中所蕴含的"宗教宽容"与"权利保障"等思想并非和约的本意,更非当时各方的主观意愿。 In 1555,the Imperial Diet in Augsburg passed a resolution to extend the application of decrees concerning peace and order of the Holy Roman Empire to religious issues,trying to achieve religious peace and order of the Empire.The Peace of Augsburg(1555)explicitly recognizes the legal existence of Lutheranism,stipulates the"religious freedom"of Imperial Estates,"cuius regio,eius religio"principle and its exceptions.However,due to the lack of effective mechanism and measures to guarantee the compliance with the Peace of Augsburg(1555),its regulatory function can only be realized through"commitment".The Peace of Augsburg(1555)is mainly formulated to pursue the peace and order of the Empire,which also reflects the fundamental principle of compromise.However,the concepts such as "religious tolerance"and "right protection"contained therein are not original intention of the Peace of Augsburg(1555)nor the subjective wishes of all parties thereto.
作者 王银宏 Wang Yinhong
出处 《史学月刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第11期77-86,共10页 Journal of Historical Science
基金 教育部哲学社会科学研究后期资助项目“从‘政治契约’到‘帝国基本法’:神圣罗马帝国的‘公法’阐释研究”(19JHQ072)
关键词 神圣罗马帝国 1555年奥格斯堡帝国议会 《奥格斯堡宗教和约》 “教随邦定”原则 Holy Roman Empire Imperial Diet in Augsburg the Peace of Augsburg(1555) "cuius regio,eius religio" principle
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