2014年,瑞典国家电网(Svenska kraftnat)接到政府指令,要求其判定需求并制订一份行动计划,以进一步推进瑞典大坝失事综合应急准备工作的进展。瑞典国家电网与来自水电行业、县行政委员会、救援部门和其他有关部门的代表一起,已经明确了几个需要发展的领域。行动计划的主要要点包括:(1)相关行动主体与地区之间在国家层面上的合作和信息交流,以增进行动主体对大坝失事后果和危机管理的认识,并从之前的事故和经验教训中学习进步;(2)制订大坝业主向有关各方发出有效的、可靠的警报的流程;(3)制订和实施例行程序及方法,以在大坝失事时能预警和通知公众。2017年,瑞典国家电网对2015~2017年的行动计划进行了跟踪和更新。笔者介绍了2017~2020年新版行动计划,以及其实施情况和近期取得的成效。
In 2014, Svenska kraftnat(the Swedish National Grid) was given an assignment by the Government to identify needs and to prepare an action plan to further stimulate the development of co-ordinated emergency preparedness for dam failures in Sweden. Svenska kraftn?t, together with representatives from the hydropower industry, the county administrative boards, the rescue services and other involved actors, have identified several areas for development. Main points in the action plan include national collaboration and knowledge exchange between concerned actors and geographical areas to enhance the actors’ knowledge about consequences of dam failure, crisis management and learning from incidents and exercises;development of effective and reliable alarm routines from dam owners to concerned parties;and development and implementation of routines and methods to warn and inform the public if a dam failure should occur. In 2017, Svenska kraftn?t has made a follow up and update of the action plan 2015-2017. This paper describes the new action plan 2017-2020, the current situation and recent achievements.
Dam & Safety
dam failure
emergency preparedness