试验旨在研究苏山猪和苏紫猪在生长肥育早期的采食行为种质特性和生长相关激素水平。选取62头试验猪,其中32头苏山猪,30头苏紫猪。按品种、性别、类型和体重分成8组,每组饲养在对应的OSBORNE测定站栏中,每天测定站会获得每头猪所有的采食数据,包括体重、采食量、采食次数、采食时间等。同时,猪生长激素(GH)和促生长激素释放激素(GHRH)浓度在猪第100日龄时,利用酶联免疫吸附测定(ELISA)技术进行分析。结果表明,试验用时40 d,试验期间共获得33 195条采食数据,自由采食贯穿于全天24 h,其中下午16:00为采食峰值,其次为下午17:00和上午8:00,白天(5:00~19:00)中午11:00为采食低谷。各栏间试验猪采食数据比较结果显示,体重最高栏的猪次采食量也最高,体重最低的猪次采食量也最低,第4栏猪的次采食量、体重和次投料量均最高(P<0.05);不同品种、性别和类型猪间的采食性状均差异显著,苏紫猪的所有采食性状均显著高于苏山猪。各栏间试验猪日数据比较结果显示:日采食时间和日体重均为第4栏最高,日采食量、日采食次数、日采食时间均为第2栏最低。不同品种、性别和类型猪间的日数据均差异显著(P<0.05),日采食量、日采食次数和日采食时间,均为苏紫猪显著高于苏山猪,母猪高于公猪。猪生长激素(GH)浓度,第2栏最高,显著高于第1、3、4、6、7栏(P<0.05),肥猪的GH浓度显著高于种猪(P<0.05),苏山猪和苏紫猪间、公母猪间GH浓度差异均不显著。猪促生长激素释放激素(GHRH)浓度,第8栏最高,显著高于第4、6栏(P<0.05),不同品种、性别、类型猪的GHRH浓度差异均不显著。结论:自由采食时,猪只喜欢在16:00~17:00和8:00~9:00间集中采食,体重大的猪采食量更大,苏紫猪的所有采食性状均显著高于苏山猪,母猪日采食量、日采食次数、日采食时间均显著高于公猪,GH和GHRH的最高值不出现在同一�
The aim of this study was to investigate the breed characteristics of the feeding behavior and growthrelated hormone levels in the early stage of growth and fattening using Sushan pigs and Suzi pigs. There were 62 experimental pigs selected, including 32 Sushan pigs and 30 Suzi pigs. These pigs were divided into 8 groups according to breed, gender, type and body weight, each group was kept in the corresponding OSBORNE measurement station columns. Each day, the measuring station would obtain all feeding data of each pig,including body weight, feed intake, feeding frequency, and feeding time. Porcine growth hormone(GH) and growth hormone releasing hor mone(GHRH) concentrations were analyzed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA) technique on age 100 d. The results showed that the experiment takes 40 days, and there were a total of 33,195 feeding data were obtained during the experiment, and free feeding was carried out 24 hours a day. Among the 24 hours, the feed intake peak occurred on 16:00, followed by 17:00 and 8:00, and the feed intake valley occurred on 11:00. The comparison of the feed data of the pigs among the columns showed that the highest weight pigs also had the highest feed intake per time, and the lowest weight pigs had the lowest feed intake per time. Pigs of 4 th column had the highest feed intake per time, body weight and feed intake(P<0.05).The feeding traits were all significantly different for different breeds, genders or types. For the feeding traits of daily feed intake, daily feeding frequency and daily feeding time, Suzi pig were all significantly higher than that of Sushan pig, and sows were all significantly higher than boars(P <0.05). For concentration of porcine growth hormone(GH), pigs in column 2 was significantly higher than that of column 1, 3, 4, 6, or 7, and finishing pigs were significantly higher than that of breeding pigs(P<0.05). There were no significant difference between Sushan pig and Suzi pig, between boars and sows. For concentration of porcine somatotropin-releasin
FU Yanfeng;FANG Xiaomin;WANG Fengchao;PAN Jingjing;WANG Xuemin;TU Feng;ZHAO Weimin;REN Shouwen(Institute of Animal Science/Key Laboratory of Crop and Livestock Integrated Farming,Ministry of Agriculture/Jiangsu Germplasm Resources Protection and Utilization Platform,Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Nanjing210014,China;Jiangsu Mingtian Agriculture and Animal Science Co.,Ltd.,Nanjing210014,China;Funing Animal Science and Veterinary Station,Yancheng224400,China)
Swine Production