With help of the inspiration of regular fuzzy matroids, we define the regular fuzzy bases of general fuzzy matroids in this paper.Then,many properties about regular fuzzy bases are gained by the base-subset sets. For example, closed fuzzy matroids have regular fuzzy bases, the fuzzy cardinalities of regular fuzzy bases are equal in the same fuzzy matroid,the fuzzy cardinalities of regular fuzzy bases are maximum in fuzzy bases cardinality of the same fuzzy matroid, and so on. By these properties, we give a necessary and sufficient condition for closed fuzzy matroids are regular fuzzy matroids, and find out the computational formula about the fuzzy cardinality of regular fuzzy bases. Last, we establish a notion which is called the fuzzy rank of fuzzy matroids(the fuzzy matroid rank for short), and prove the conclusion that the fuzzy matroid rank is equal to the fuzzy cardinality of regular fuzzy bases in its closure, and obtain the computational formula about the fuzzy rank of general fuzzy matroids by its closure. Meanwhile, we discuss also many properties about the fuzzy matroid rank in detail, and try to study fuzzy matroids by the fuzzy rank of fuzzy matroids. The fuzzy rank of fuzzy matroids is one of characteristics of fuzzy matroids. There will be many works in studying fuzzy matroids by the fuzzy matroid rank or researching the fuzzy matroid rank by properties of fuzzy matroids.
WU De-yin(College of Mathematics and Statistics,Chongqing University,Chongqing 401331,China)
Fuzzy Systems and Mathematics