
洞庭湖地区农作物格局变化及其政策启示 被引量:2

Temporal and Spatial Changes in Crop Patterns of Dongting Lake Area and Its Policy Implications
摘要 利用1985—2016年农村统计数据,运用数理统计和空间分析等方法,分析洞庭湖地区过去32 a主要农作物时空变化特征。结果表明:1985—2016年农作物总播种面积呈显著增加趋势,且经历了“缓增”和“急增”两个阶段;经济作物在全区均呈增加趋势,增幅达21000 hm^2/10a,是粮食作物增幅的2.56倍;粮经比从1985年的79∶21变化到2016年的63∶37,先后经历了减少、增加、再减少、稳定不变以及略微增加的过程;中稻及一季晚稻呈极显著增加,主要分布在湘西山区、湘东幕埠山地区向洞庭湖平原的过渡带;油料作物与蔬菜是经济作物中增幅最大的两类农作物。过去32 a洞庭湖地区农作物格局时空变化明显,实现洞庭湖地区粮食安全与生态安全是当前决策部门应重点考虑的问题。 By using the Dongting Lake area data on Hunan rural statistical yearbook 1985-2016,mathematical statistics and GIS-based spatial analysis methods were adopted to explore the spatial-temporal characteristics of major cereal and economic crops in the local agricultural land system.The results showed that:(1)The total sown area of crops in Dongting lake area increased significantly,which experienced two stages,namely“gradual increase”and“rapid increase”.(2)The area of economic crops in Dongting Lake showed an increasing trend,and the increase rate reached 21 thousand hectares per 10 years,which was 2.56 times of the increase rate of cereal crops.The increase of cereal crops area was concentrated around the Dongting Lake plain.(3)The ratio of cereal to economic crops changed from 79:21 in 1985 to 63:37 in 2016.In the past 32 years,the ratio has experienced a trend of decrease,increase,further decrease,stable and slight increase.(4)Middle rice and single late rice mainly distributed in the transition zone from the mountainous area in western Hunan and the Mobu mountain area in eastern Hunan to the Dongting Lake plain,showing a significant increase rate of 5.68 thousand hectares per 10 years,which was the largest increase in cereal crops.Oil crops and vegetables showed a significant increase trend in the whole Dongting Lake area,also were the two largest increases in economic crops.Therefore,the spatial and temporal changes of crop patterns in Dongting Lake area in the past 32 years are obvious.Realizing the food security and ecological security in Dongting Lake area is the key problem that the decision-making department should consider.
作者 熊亚东 谭雪兰 谭杰扬 米胜渊 安悦 刘贝 黄振国 邓文 XIONG Ya-dong;TAN Xue-lan;TAN Jie-yang;MI Sheng-yuan;AN Yue;LIU Bei;HUANG Zhen-guo;DENG Wen(College of Public Administration and Law,Hunan Agricultual University,Changsha 410128,PRC;College of Resources&Environment,Hunan Agricultual University,Changsha 410128,PRC;Institute of Agricultural Economy and Regional Planning,Hunan Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Changsha 410125,PRC)
出处 《湖南农业科学》 2019年第10期96-101,106,共7页 Hunan Agricultural Sciences
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(41601097) 湖南省自然科学基金面上项目(2018JJ2222) 湖南省农业科技创新项目(2017QN41)
关键词 洞庭湖 农作物 时空变化 种植结构 Dongting Lake crop temporal and spatial change crop pattern
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