法国作家让 吉奥诺的短篇小说《再生草》通过塑造诸多家养与野生动物形象以及阐释人类物种与非人类物种的关系,传递出作家复杂而矛盾的生态伦理思想:一方面,关心动物的内在生命价值,强调其非工具性价值,表达敬畏动物生命的生态价值诉求;将动物设为喻体来刻画人的个性特质,阐释人与动物的平等地位;关怀动物的情感体验与尊严,强调人与动物的互为依赖。另一方面,重视动物的工具性价值,视人类的基本权利重于动物的基本权利,与弱势人类中心主义思想不谋而合。
The French writer Jean Giono's short story Regain conveys his complex and contradictory ecological ethics by writing many wild and domestic animals and explaining the relationship between human and non-human species.On one hand,the writer emphasizes the intrinsic value of animals5 life to express his respect for life,affirms the equal status of humans and animals by the use of similes in the description of humans'character,and cares for the animals'emotional experience and dignity by emphasizing the interdependence between humans and animals;On the other hand,he attaches importance to the instrumental value of animals,and regards that the basic rights of human beings is more important than that of animals,which coincides with the idea of weak anthropocentrism.