[目的/意义]作为初唐四杰之首,王勃主动同齐梁萎靡的诗风作斗争,在诗的形式和内容方面都做了积极探索。本文通过查阅和分析国内外相关文献,考证《圣泉宴》诗序是否为王勃所作。[方法/过程]王勃在蜀期间创作了《圣泉宴》一诗,但因其诗文集在后世散佚严重,外加王勃与骆宾王关系密切,其诗序的存佚及归属问题在后世不同朝代不尽一致:宋元两代只存诗,序文亡佚;明代诗与序并存,将诗序归为王勃作品;清代诗与序并存,既有将诗序划为王勃名下的,也有将其归为骆宾王作品的。[结果/结论 ]结合日本正仓院藏本《王勃诗序》等国内外版本、诗序文本内容和王骆二人的生平经历与行文风格来看,《圣泉宴》诗序当为王勃所作。
[Purpose/significance] As the first of the Four Great Poets of Early Tang Dynasty, Wang Bo took the initiative to fight against the listless poetic style in Qi and Liang period of Southern Dynastyis, and actively explored the form and content of his poems. By consulting and analyzing the relevant literature at home and abroad, this paper examines whether the preface to the poem Holy Spring Feast was written by Wang Bo. [Method/process] Wang Bo created the poem Holy Spring Feast during his time in Shu, but due to the serious loss of his poem collections and the close relationship with Luo Binwang, one of the Four Great Poets of Early Tang Dynasty, there were different opinions about the existence of the preface and its attribution in later dynasties. In Song and Yuan dynasties, people believed there was no preface but only the poem be saved. In Ming Dynasty, both the poem and its preface were thought to be written by Wang Bo. In Qing Dynasty, there was no agreement on whether the preface was written by Wang Bo or Luo Binwang. [Result/conclusion] Based on the domestic and foreign versions of the Poem Prefaces of Wang Bo, as well as Wang Bo and Luo Binwang’s life experience and their writing styles, the preface to Holy Spring Feast should be written by Wang Bo.
Tong Fei(College of National Culture,Yunnan Minzu University,Kunming 650500,China)
Library and Information Studies
Wang Bo
Holy Spring Feast
Luo Binwang
Shosion version in Japan