目的比较他达拉非、他达拉非加利多卡因喷雾剂和仅在性交前喷洒利多卡因喷雾剂对早泄患者阴道射精潜伏期的影响。方法 78名早泄患者分为三组:G1:25例患者接受利多卡因喷雾剂10 g/100mL,在性交前5分钟使用;G2:27例患者接受他达拉非尔5 mg,每日一次;G3:26例患者服用他达拉非5 mg每天一次加利多卡因喷雾剂性交前使用。所有各组的治疗均持续3个月。性交满意度被设定为5分。随访时间分别为1个月和3个月。结果三组在基线水平上数据差异无统计学意义。G1、G2、G3在3个月随访时平均射精潜伏期分别为(3.7±1.3)min、(3.4±1.5)min、(5.6±1.7)min(P<0.001)。G1组的平均满意度为(2.1±0.4)分,G2组的平均满意度为(2.1±0.3)分,G3组的平均满意度为(4.5±0.5)分(P<0.001)。无不良反应事件。结论本研究表明他达拉非每日使用对治疗早泄有一定作用,当与利多卡因喷雾剂联合使用时,可明显增加患者的平均阴道射精潜伏时间。
Objective The aim of this study is to compare the efficacy of tadalafil only, tadalafil plus lidocaine anesthetic spray, and topical lidocaine spray only before intercourse on the intravaginal ejaculatory latency time of patients with premature ejaculation. Methods The study included 78 men who were diagnosed with premature ejaculation. The patients were divided into three groups: G1: 25 patients who received lidocaine spray 10 g/100 ml at 5 min before intercourse;G2: 27 patients who received tadalafil 5 mg once daily;G3: 26 patients who treated with tadalafil once daily plus lidocaine spray before planned sexual activity. The treatments were continued for up to three months in all groups. Moreover, the quality of their sexual attempts was rated on a 5-point scale. Follow-up was made at 1-month and 3-month. Results: Not statistically significant differences emerged between the three groups at baseline. Mean ejaculatory latency time at the 3-month follow-up in G1, G2 and G3 was(3.7±1.3) min,(3.4±1.5) min,(5.6±1.7) min(P < 0.001). Mean satisfaction score was at the 3-month follow-up in G1:(2.1±0.4), in G2:(2.1±0.3), and G3:(4.5±0.5)(P < 0.001). None of the patients withdrew from the study because of these adverse events. Conclusions This study demonstrates that tadalafil used daily has a role on treatment in PE. This action is valid when combined strategically to the synergistic action of lidocaine spray applied before intercourse increasing significantly the mean IELT.
XU Yuan(Department of Urology,The People’s Hospital of Jiangyin,Jiangyin Jiangsu 214400,China)
China Continuing Medical Education
premature ejaculation
lidocaine anesthetic spray
phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitor
intravaginal ejaculatory latency tTime,erectile dysfunction