文章从2018年9月挪威纳斯达克清算所私人清算会员艾纳.奥斯(Einar Aas)的违约事件及处置切入,通过与金融危机中伦敦清算所对雷曼兄弟利率互换的违约处置效果的比较,分析了两者差异的成因,并结合上海清算所目前中央对手清算业务的发展状况提出相关建议,即要积极培育我国目前清算量较少、流动性较弱的相关衍生品市场,以提升未来违约处置的效果。
This paper starts with the default and handling of Einar Aas, a private clearing member of Nasdaq Clearing House inNorway, in September 2018, and compares it with the default of Lehman Brothers in the IRS trading in 2008 financialcrisis, focusing on the effects of default management and the drivers behind the differences between the two. Incombination with the development of CCP clearing in Shanghai Clearing House, it proposes that we should activelydevelop the derivatives market, where central clearing is less prevalent and liquidity is relatively poor at present, toimprove the effect of default management in the future.
China Money