Different government crisis response strategies will affect the development and social impact of public health emergency events.Using public data,this article compares the“Disneyland measles outbreak”in California in the US,with the“Building X measles outbreak”in Beijing,and analyzes the effectiveness and impact of different public health crisis response strategies in the two countries.The two measles outbreaks occurred in the same month,January 2015,in similar public spaces,by similar causes,and resulted in similar scale of measles outbreaks.But the two countries strategies were markedly different.In essence,the US strategy was to“make small things big”by using the public reaction as a source of publicity,and leverage to introduce measures that will help prevent future occurrences.The Chinese strategy was to avoid social panic by reassuring the public that the outbreak was“contained and under control”,and acting very fast to control it.Comparing the aftermath of the two incidents,the evidence shows that while the Chinese strategy was more effective in the short term,the US strategy was more effective in the long term,as the public debate surrounding the incident did change the attitude of the public,promoted the passing of new policies and laws,and served as a fruitful case study for academic research.The paper suggests that crisis response strategies should consider using the best of both styles,by acting decisively to control outbreaks,while letting public debate on the issue serve as a catalyst for long-term change.
Journal of Risk, Disaster & Crisis Research
Public Health Crisis
Measles Outbreak
Risk Communication
Social Impact