目前 ,全国各地正在兴起区域形象设计与建设的浪潮 ,但如何把区域形象信息系统地传递出去 ,这方面的理论研究大大落后于实践。文章就区域形象信息传递的有效工具———区域视觉识别系统设计的主要内容、设计的原则、设计的基本流程等在理论与实践上作了较为详细的探讨 。
At present, the wave of the district identity design and construction is emerging, but how to transmit completely information of the district identity, the research of this theory is greatly falling behind the practice. The effective means of the district identity information passing is researched in the essay, in which not only detailedly research the main content, principle and basic procedure of the district visual identity system design, but also research the economics of the district visual identity system.
Areal Research and Development