本文从旅游的角度介入德国鲁尔工业区的研究。介绍了工业遗产旅游的新观念 ,以鲁尔区自 1970年代以来所经历的逆工业化过程为背景 ,探讨了在全面振兴和调整鲁尔区之经济、社会、文化、环境等区域发展和形象转变过程中 ,工业遗产旅游的实践 ,特别是工业遗产旅游开发之观念的起源、形成与接受过程、工业遗产旅游的开发模式等 ,提出了值得我国学术界和社会现实 ,进一步研究和探讨的议题。
This paper studies the Ruhr area from the perspective of tourism. Some new concepts and ideas of industrial heritage tourism have been introduced to China's case for the first time. With the contextual introduction on de-industrialization of Ruhr since 1970s, industrial heritage tourism has played an effective role in the process of revitalization of Ruhr area in economic, cultural, social and environmental dimeusions. Main contents of this paper include a brief introduction on the original idea and practice of industrial archaeology and industrial heritage in Britain, the formation and acceptance process of industrial heritage tourism and the development modes of industrial heritage tourism in Ruhr area. Some issues and points attracting our attention in both research and practice for further discussion have also been put forward in this paper.
World Regional Studies
20 0 1年德意志学术交流中心 (DAAD)资助项目