目的探讨注射式隆乳剂聚丙烯酰胺水凝胶微创手术取出的可行性并总结手术经验。方法 35例共58只乳腺注射式隆乳剂PAHG患者,32例共52只乳房在腔镜辅助下行取出术,3例共5只乳腺PAHG位于腺体内或皮下,通过麦默通微创取出,对切口选择、手术效果及手术经验进行总结。结果 52只乳房PAHG注射式隆乳剂在腔镜辅助下绝大部分被取出,术后3~6月随访,高频超声检查48只乳腺未发现PAHG残留,4只乳房外下象限见少量PAHG残留,其中2只乳房合并腺体内PAHG无回声结节。5只乳房行麦默通微创手术取出,术后3~6月随访未发现PAHG残留。结论微创腔镜辅助下注射隆胸PAHG取出术可去除后间隙大部分PAHG,对于腺体内或皮下PAHG可行麦默通微创手术取出,手术损伤小,安全、可靠,术后切口美观,在临床上有一定的应用价值。
Objective To explore the feasibility and conclude experiment of an operation in which removing the injection augmentation agent polyacrylamide hydrogel under minimally invasive surgery. Methods All 58 breasts in 35 patients were removed PAHG, 52 breasts in 32 patients with endoscope-assisted and 5 breasts in 3 patients whose injection located in the subcutaneous or mammary gland were removed by mammotome. It has draw a conclusion about the selection of the best incision and effect and experiment of operation. Results A majority of polyacrylamide hydrogel be removed under endoscope-assisted in 52 breast. Follow-up 3 to 6 months by high frequency ultrasound, showed no discovered polyacrylamide hydrogel in 48 breasts, but in 4 breasts were discovered located in the subcutaneous and 2 of them complicated with no echo nodules in mammary gland. 5 breasts revomed the injection by mammotome, follow-up 3 to 6 months showed no discovered.Conclusion A majority of polyacrylamide hydrogel may be removed under endoscope-assisted. In cases of few polyacrylamide hydrogel left in mammary gland or subcutaneous, can be removed by mammotome. It is safe and feasible and gives good cosmetic results remove of polyacrylamide hydrogel under minimally invasive surgery. We believe that offers other selections of removing breast polyacrylamide hydrogel injection.
Journal of Molecular Imaging
polyacrylamide hydrogel
injected augmentation mammaplasty
minimally invasive surgery