

Sectarian Apologetics between Tian Tai and Three Treatise Schools——An Illustration via Study of Relationship between Ji Zang,Zhi Yi and Guan Ding
摘要 本文主要探討了天台僧將譜系溯至智顗和灌頂的宗派護教若干問題,批判性地比較相關材料,揭示出天台宗門戶深見和宣教力度。其中,天台護教突出灌頂獲隋寵遇,強化灌頂親近智顗;灌頂弟子抛出'吉藏師事灌頂'說和'師事智顗'說,湛然推動'吉藏師事智顗'說爲解釋判教的關鍵歧異;湛然弟子假託不空弟子含光偽造'遙振天竺'故事,天台傳人又以《法華經》爲中心捏造吉藏——智顗——灌頂關係當爲遮蓋三人的真實關係。本文進而質疑以下觀點毫無依據:將唐代天台式微歸咎與隋朝的'甚深關係',認爲這種含糊關係是天台日後遭受政治歧視的原因。文章最後強調,閱讀和使用基本漢文僧傳和教史時需多加謹慎。 This article discusses certain issues of sectarian apologetics advanced by monks who traced their lineage back to the Tiantai"patriarchs"Zhiyi and Guanding.A critical comparison of relevant materials uncovers profound sectarian concerns and propagandistic efforts to highlight Guanding’s connections to the Sui rulers and to strengthen his ties to Zhiyi.Guanding’s disciples created the idea of Jizang’s discipleship under Guanding.This further stimulated the notion of Jizang’s discipleship under Zhiyi,as was continued by Zhanran in order to explain away the crucial differences in the theories on classifying Buddhist teachings advocated by Tiantai and Sanlun.Zhanran’s disciples forged a story of Tiantai’s reputation in India in the name of Bukong’s disciple Hanguang.The Lotus-centered fabrication about the relationships of Jizang,Zhiyi,and Guanding must be understood as a deliberate and elaborate strategy adopted by Tiantai followers to conceal the real relationship between these monks.The article has also questioned an influential view that interprets Tiantai’s failure under the Tang in terms of its"overwhelmingly intimate connection"to the Sui on the one hand and on the other,conceives that there was later political discrimination on the basis of such a dubious connection is unfounded.Finally,the research underscores the need for greater caution in reading and using basic Chinese monastic historicbiographical literature as well as Buddhist sectarian works.
作者 陳金華 Chen Jinhua
出处 《佛教文化研究》 2015年第1期212-255,551,560-561,共46页 Studies of Buddhist Culture
关键词 關鍵詞:吉藏故事 天台譜系 護教 《法華經》疏 漢文僧傳和教史 Chi-tsang stories T’ien-t’ai lineage Apologetics Lotus commentaries Chinese monastic historic-biographical literature and Buddhist sectarian works
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