利用动电位极化方法 ,研究了有机膦酸醇酯类缓蚀剂 (YKI_0 5 )对 90 7A钢在天然海水中的缓蚀行为 .实验表明 :静态海水中 ,浓度为 30 0mg/L的YKI_0 5缓蚀剂能在 90 7A钢表面形成稳定的缓蚀膜层 ,是一负催化阴极型缓蚀剂 ,于实验周期内其对 90 7A钢的缓蚀效率可稳定在 90 %左右 ;在周期性间歇浸没情况下 ,此种缓蚀剂所形成的膜层很不稳定 ,随着间浸次数的增加 ,膜层破损程度愈甚 ,缓蚀效果减弱 ,缓蚀膜对 90 7A钢表面仅仅是个覆盖层 ,起到抑制了部分阴、阳极反应的作用 。
The inhibition of YKI-05 Corrosion inhibitor in different conditions was studied using potentiodynamic polarization technique. The resuled shown that (i) the inhibitor film layer was formed stably on the surface of 907A steel electrode when it was persistently immersed in static seawater and the inhibition efficiency reached 90% or so. The inhibition mechanism is negative catalytic effect. (ii)the inhibitior film layer was not stable when the electrode was periodically immersed in seawater and was destroyed more significantly with the increase of electrode exposing time. The film was only a covered layer on the surface of electrode and it retarded both cathodic and anodic reactions. The inhibition mechanism is blocking effect.
Journal of Electrochemistry
"九五"重点预研 (12 .2 .4 .3)资助