本文认为 ,中国资本市场国际化是特定社会经济背景条件下的国际化过程 ,是在我国经济转轨时期资本市场本身尚未成熟条件下政府主导型的资本市场国际化 ;中国资本市场国际化必须按照“安全优先、兼顾效率”的原则进行 ;中国资本市场国际化过程可以分两个阶段加以实施 ,各个阶段的实施内容可以部分重复 ,但必须有所侧重、重点突出。
This paper suggests that the internationalization of China's capital markets is a changing process of market system under differential social economic background. During economic transition on China, development of capital market is not full-blown; therefore, the internationalization of China's capital market is government dominant. The internationalization of China's capital market must be carrying out according to the principle 'safety preference, give attention to efficiency'. The internationalization of China's capital market should be implemented at the preliminary and advanced phrases. At the former period, it should both introduce the foreign investment and export the capital. The two phrases can be divided at the point of the completely free exchange of the capital projects.
Journal of Financial Research