陆贾与贾谊都是汉初闻人 ,以文名于朝 ,但归宿却大有不同 ,陆贾以善终 ,而贾谊却伤悼早夭。究其原因 ,不仅与两人身处的政治利益集团不同有关——陆贾属于当政的军功受益集团 ,而贾谊出于新兴的法吏集团 ,双方的力量对比决定了集团内个人的命运 ;而且还与两人的性格有很大关系 ,陆贾世故圆通 ,贾谊伉直不屈 ,性格的差异同样也影响个人政治的前途 ,终致两人同出而异终。就两人思想体系而言 ,陆贾宗儒 ,近于黄老而好纵横 ;贾谊则本儒近法而乐老庄。二人思想的异趣 ,不是学术的分裂 ,而是学术由“百虑”向“一致”,“殊途”向“同归”发展过程中的一个阶段 ,到汉武帝时 ,这一学术演进过程才告基本结束 ,而陆贾与贾谊俱本于儒家 ,实为董仲舒、公孙弘倡导儒术独尊张本。
Lu Jia and Jia Yi were all personages in early Han dynasty, but their ends were very different. Lu Jia was successful and Jiayi was not. There are many reasons for this, first of all, they belonged to different interest groups; secondly, their characters were contrary. Their respective interests and characters caused their own political future. With regard to their thoughts, Lu Jia's thought was based on Confucianism and close to the doctrine of Huangdi and Laozi but like polemics, while, Jia Yi's thought was based on Confucianism too, but close to Legist and like Taoism. The thoughts of Lu Jia and Jia Yi were an important stage of learning Han dynasty development.
Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology(Social Science Edition)