
内蒙古5种蒲公英营养成分分析 被引量:7

Nutrition analysis of 5 kinds of dandelion in Inner Mongolia
摘要 研究旨在观察不同种蒲公英中营养价值的高低,为蒲公英属饲用价值的开发利用提供理论依据。以蒲公英属的斑叶蒲公英、阿尔泰蒲公英、中亚蒲公英、绯红蒲公英和红梗蒲公英叶片为试验材料,定量分析了其主要营养成分,并采用模糊数学隶属函数法和灰色关联法对其营养价值进行综合评价。结果表明:5种蒲公英叶片中,斑叶蒲公英的粗脂肪(4.78%DW)、粗蛋白质(20.27%DW)和可溶性糖(24.91 mg/g FW)含量最高;红梗蒲公英的可溶性蛋白(8.17 mg/g FW)和氨基酸(24.67 mg/100 g FW)含量最高;中亚蒲公英酸性洗涤纤维(30.66%DW)、含水量(74.16%FW)和维生素C(47.96 mg/100 g FW)含量最高;绯红蒲公英的中性洗涤纤维含量(46.88%DW)较高。综合评价中红梗蒲公英营养价值最高,其次是阿尔泰蒲公英,中亚蒲公英的营养价值最低,蒲公英8种营养物质中营养价值最高的是中性洗涤纤维,其次是氨基酸,营养价值最差的是粗蛋白质。结果提示:红梗蒲公英的营养价值最高,其后依次为阿尔泰蒲公英、绯红蒲公英、斑叶蒲公英和中亚蒲公英。 This study was to observe the nutritional value of high and low in different kinds of dandeli-on,as the dandelion of forage value provides the theory basis for the development and utilization. Themain nutrition of 5 kinds of dandelion were measured with the method of quantitative analysis, and thenutritional value were evaluated with the fuzzy membership function method and the grey correlationmethod, which will provide the theory basis for it's development and utilization. The results show that5 kinds of dandelion leaves, the content of crude fat(4.78%)、crude protein(20.27%) and soluble sug-ar(24.91 mg/g) of Taraxacum variegatum Kitag is the highest in the 5 kinds of dandelion; The contentof soluble protein(8.17 mg/g) and amino acid(24.67 mg/100 g) of Taraxcum erythropodium Kitag isthe highest; The content of acid washing fiber(30.66%)、vitamin C(47.96 mg/100 g) and water content(74.16%) of Taraxacum centrasiaticum D. T.Zhai is the highest; The content of neutral deter-gent fiber content(46.88%) of Taraxacum pseud-oroseum Schischk is higher. The results of nutri-tional value with membership function methodand the grey correlation method analysis showthat nutritional value of Taraxcum erythropodi-um Kitag is highest in 5 kinds of dandelion, andthe second is the Taraxacum altaicum Schischk,but the nutritional value of Taraxacum centrasiaticum D.T.Zhai isthe least. The neutral detergent fiber is highest in 8 kinds of nutri-ents, followed by amino acids, the worst is crude protein in nutri-tional value. Taraxcum erythropodium Kitag has the highest nutri-tional value,the next is Taraxacum altaicum Schischk, Taraxacumpseudoroseum Schischk, Taraxacum variegatum Kitag and Taraxa-cum centrasiaticum D.T.Zhai.
出处 《饲料工业》 北大核心 2015年第21期20-24,共5页 Feed Industry
基金 公益性行业(农业)科研专项[201203004] 内蒙古主席基金项目 内蒙古农业大学科技创新(培育)团队[NDPYTD2013-3]
关键词 蒲公英 叶片 营养成分 隶属函数法 灰色关联法 dandelion leaf nutrients membership function method grey correlation method
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