
西儒问古音:晚清出使日记与传统音韵学——李凤苞《使德日记》中所见叶韵问题 被引量:1

Discussion with Western Scholars about Ancient Phonology:The Connections Between Diplomatic Journals and Traditional Phonology:About Xieyun in Li Fengbao's Diplomatic Journals to Germany
摘要 光绪初年出使德国的李凤苞,主要职责原在交涉和洋务,学界对他的研究也多注目于外交、西学和采购船炮方面。不过从其《使德日记》中可以发现,他曾饶有兴趣地与供职于柏林皇家图书馆的德国学者讨论传统中国学问。在关于传统音韵学叶韵问题的对答中,李凤苞所持的仍然是"明良叶韵"的说法。叶韵一说原是中古时期学者们注意到以当时之字音,读《诗》、《书》等上古文献不能押韵,但因没有意识到音韵历史变化等因素,而提出的古韵可不用本音,为押韵而协韵的说法。在以往音韵学史的认识中,叶韵之说被认为起自隋唐,因朱熹采用而影响巨大,但至陈第、顾炎武等提出"古诗无叶音",皆古之字本音的说法后,复经乾嘉学者提倡,古音说终于替代叶韵说而为一般人所接受。然而到了晚清时期,仍有如李凤苞这样依然使用叶韵说的人。浏览同时期著作可知,陈第、顾炎武及乾嘉学者的说法并没有成为一般读书人的常识,完全延续叶韵说者、仍未意识到古今音变者乃或持折中立场者并不鲜见。故而晚清星轺日记不仅应注意其"走向世界"的一面,以此回观本土传统学问,或也可透视出主流音韵学史所忽视的一些现象。 Li Fengbao whom was sent by the Qing government in 1870 s,was mainly in charge of negotiation and foreign affairs. Therefore,many domestic researches about him are focused on the diplomacy,Western knowledge,procurement of warships and weapons. However,from his Diplomatic Journals to Germany,we can see that he had discussed interestedly with German scholars working in the Royal Library of Berlin about traditional Chinese knowledge. During the discussion of the theory of xieyun in the traditional phonology,Li Fengbao still insisted the theory of 'Mingliang xieyun. ' In the medieval period,unconscious of historical changes of phonology,scholars proposed to change the pronunciation of words to rhyme the antiquity literature,which was called xieyun. In the previous research of phonologic history,xieyun was believed to begin to appear in the Sui and Tang dynasties,and achieved its wide influence due to scholar Zhu Xi’s promotion. But it was later replaced by the theory of guyin,which was put forward by some scholars like Chen Di,Gu Yanwu in the late Ming and early Qing,and was advocated in the periods of Emperor Qianlong and Jiaqing. However,there were scholars like Li Fengbao still insisting the theory of xieyun in the late Qing. By combing through other works of this period,we can see that the theory put forward by Chen Di,Gu Yanwu and scholars in the periods of Emperor Qianlong and Jiaqing was not widely accepted. It was not unusual that some of them,unconscious of the changes of phonology,still totally adopted the xieyun,while others held the eclectic standpoint. Therefore,we should not only pay attention to the contents of outside world in the mission diaries of the late Qing,but also re-examine the Chinese traditional academy,through which some ignored phenomena might be uncovered.
作者 张晓川 Zhang Xiaochuan(Yuelu Academy,Hunan University,Changsha 410082,China)
出处 《复旦学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第1期106-113,共8页 Fudan Journal(Social Sciences)
关键词 李凤苞 《使德日记》 叶韵 Li Fengbao Diplomatic Journals to Germany xieyun
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  • 1余文堂:《清末首届留德军事学生研究(1876--1882)》,《中德早期关系史论文集》,稻乡出版社2007年版. 被引量:1
  • 2《武弁回华教练折》(光绪五年十月二十八日).顾延龙、戴逸主编:《李鸿章全集》第8册,安徽教育出版社2008年版,第515页. 被引量:1
  • 3《致郭筠仙钦使》(光绪三年四月初二日),顾廷龙、戴逸主编:《李鸿章全集》第34册,第29页. 被引量:1
  • 4《复李丹崖信天字第十三号》,《李星使来去信》卷2,北京大学图书馆古籍室藏. 被引量:1
  • 5《武弁回华教练折》(光绪五年十月二十八日),顾廷龙、戴逸主编:《李鸿章全集》第8册,第514页. 被引量:1
  • 6《致总署议派弁赴德学习》(光绪二年三月初四日),顾廷龙、戴逸主编:《李鸿章全集》第31册,第367页. 被引量:1
  • 7《德国巴使来函》(光绪二年十二月二十八日到),顾廷龙、戴逸主编:《李鸿章全集》第3l册,第533页. 被引量:1
  • 8《致李丹崖信不列号三》、《李丹崖自福州来信不列号一》、《覆李丹崖信天字第二号》,《李星使来去信》卷1. 被引量:1
  • 9《致李丹崖信不列号一》,《李星使来去信》卷l. 被引量:1
  • 10《李丹崖自英国伦敦发来第一号信》,《李星使来去信》卷2. 被引量:1











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