海军充分利用上海地区的地域优势 ,从 1985年开始在上海举办各类卫生专业培训班 6 0期 ,有 180 0多名来自海军和其他军兵种的学员在此接受了培训 ,为推动军队卫生事业发展 ,提高卫勤保障能力作出了积极的贡献。
Since 1985, in shanghai, the navy have hold various health-subject-training courses by taking the advantage of Shanghai local area. There are more then 1800 students coming from navy as well as other arms of services have taken the training here. It has made a positive contribution to promote the development of health in armies and improve the protect abilities in army hygiene service. The method and experience of proceeding CME in the navy have been introduced in detail.
Continuing Medical Education