在当前计算机网络技术发展水平的基础之上 ,企业级应用计算机进行商务活动提出了新的标准 ,一方面应考虑到电子商务平台的先进性 ,另一方面 ,要使企业现有的商务工作系统能较平滑地嵌入到新的商务平台中。在介绍J2EE技术规范、WebLogicServer技术之后 ,介绍了基于J2EE标准 ,以WebLogicServer为应用服务器底层开发企业级分布式电子商务平台基本框架。阐述了Servlet引擎的实现、EJB的实现、JSP的实现、配置WebLogic配置文件、与异构系统的结合和基础结构的优化等几个系统关键技术问题 ,同时对开发过程中的几点体会以及后期需做的工作进行了探讨。以此平台框架开发的电子商务系统V2 .0已成功地交付给用户使用 ,正在开发V3.0。实践证明 ,在现有技术水平基础之上 。
With network technology providing services for enterprise level commerce process by using computer, the designed system should be on an advanced platform and be able to integrate the platform into the working system. After analyzing J2EE technology specification and WebLogic Server, the basic E-commerce platform framework on enterprise level based on J2EE and built on WebLogic server application server was introduced several key techniques, including Servlet, EJB, JSP, WebLogic file setting and system structure optimization, were discussed. Some considerations about development of this system and next works were also discussed. The running system V2.0 based on this developed platform was used by user. System V3.0 is developing. The result shows that the E-commerce platform framework based on J2EE is applicable.
Journal of Fushun Petroleum Institute