
日本血吸虫(大陆株)成虫基因表达谱的研究 被引量:11

Schistosoma japonicum Mainland Strain: The Gene Expression Profile in Adult Worm
摘要 报告作者 1998年至 2 0 0 0年有关日本血吸虫 (大陆株 )成虫基因表达谱研究的结果 ,主要包括 :已测定 5 5 1条EST ,其中 5 19条EST已送入国际基因数据库 (GenBank/dbEST) ,并获得了GenBank的登录号。经同源整合后 ,5 19条EST序列归类为 388个基因序列 ,其中 ,2 4条 (6 19%)为日本血吸虫已知基因序列 ;18条 (4 6 4 %)EST与曼氏血吸虫已知基因序列同源 ,90条 (2 3 19%)EST与其它生物的已知基因序列同源 ,同源基因包括精氨酸酶、酰胺酸酶、微纤维蛋白、肌动蛋白、细胞色素C氧化酶、二硫异构酶、加长因子、热激蛋白 70、Y盒结合蛋白和抗凋亡因子等。其余的 2 5 6条 (6 5 98%)EST在Gen Bank中未发现有已知基因的同源序列。将非日本血吸虫同源序列EST或未检索到同源序列的EST初步定义为日本血吸虫亲基因 /未知基因序列EST ,共 36 4条。已克隆日本血吸虫精氨酸酶基因、Y 盒结合蛋白基因和抗凋亡 1因子 3个新基因的全长cDNA ,其GenBank的登录号分别为AF4 0 2 6 15、AF36 7371和AF33376 5。本研究结果丰富了血吸虫基因组数据 ,并为进一步筛选日本血吸虫疫苗候选基因或药物靶位提供了科学依据。 This paper summarized the results of the research on the gene expression profile in adult worm of Schistosoma japonicum(S.j) Mainland strain from 1998 to 2000 The main results are as follows: The EST approach has provided partial sequences of 551 clones Among them, 519 had been deposited in dbEST, which were grouped as 388 different expressed genes of S.j Homologous searching for significant similarities to sequences deposited in schistosoma database of EMBL, and GenBank with the basic local alignment search tool program (Blastn & Blastx) showed that 24 ESTs (6 19%) represented genes previously characterized in S.j, 18 ESTs(4 64%) similar to the sequences of Schistosoma mansoni, 90 ESTs(23 19%) similar to the known gene of other species except schistosome, these homologous genes included arginase gene, amidase gene, fibrillin gene, actin gene, cytochrome c oxidase gene, disulfide isomerase gene, elongin gene, heat shock protein 70 gene, Y box binding protein gene and DAD1(Defender Against Apoptotic Death 1) gene etc 256 ESTs(65 98%) of ESTs had no significant matches with sequences of schistosoma or other species, which were considered to be the unidentified genes or newly characterized genes of this organism For a further characterization of those clones, full length sequencing of interesting clones were carried out Some novel S.j genes such as arginase, S.j Y box binding protein and DAD1 genes had been cloned and sequenced, their accession numbers were AF402615, AF367371 and AF333765 respectively The study provides the information about the gene expression profile in S.j adult worm, and adds the sequence data for schistosoma genome database as well as screening of Schistosomiasis vaccine and drug development
出处 《中山医科大学学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2002年第6期401-404,共4页 Academic Journal of Sun Yat-sen University of Medical Sciences
基金 广东"2 11工程"重点建设基金资助项目 (98169) 国家自然科学基金资助项目 (3 0 0 70 683 ) 国家教育部博士点基金资助项目(2 0 0 0 45 ) 广东省首批自然科学团队研究基金资助项目
关键词 日本血吸虫 成虫 基因表达谱 研究 Schistosoma japonicum/genetics gene expressed sequence tags computer biology
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