吉林省长春市郊某猪场发生了疑似猪副嗜血杆菌引起的疾病。临床症状表现为体温升高 ,精神沉郁 ,食欲减退 ,消瘦 ,咳嗽 ,腹泻 ,关节肿胀。剖检见肺脏呈纤维素性胸膜肺炎 ,胸腔内有大量淡红色液体、纤维性渗出物及凝块 ;腹腔内有多量透明黄褐色漏出液 ,有的呈胶冻状凝块 ;心包膜上有奶酪样坏死 ,并与心脏粘连。肺臌胀 ,表面覆有大量纤维素性渗出物 ,并与胸壁粘连 ,镜检肺泡充满水肿液或纤维蛋白和红细胞。全身淋巴结肿大 ,呈浆液性卡他性炎 ,暗红色 ;取心血、肝、脾涂片 ,革兰氏染色 ,镜检 ,见有革兰氏阴性球杆菌。将病菌接种于血液琼脂平皿上 ,置 3 7℃温箱培养 48h,革兰氏染色 ,镜检该菌同涂片细菌。动物回归试验 ,病理变化同自然感染病例。用纸片法对 3 2种药物进行药敏试验 ,结果该菌对阿米卡星、美西林、磺胺甲基异口恶唑 3种药物高度敏感。结合本病的流行情况、临床症状、病理变化和实验室检查 。
In this study, a disease was suspected of haemophilus parasuis infection in swines. The clinical situation showed the symptoms of decreased food appetite, emaciation, cough, diarrhoea and joint swelling. Autopsiy showed fibrinous pneumonic changes. There were mass of pale red fluid, fibrinous and clot in thoracic cavity, and a considerable amount of clearing yellowish brown transudate in abdominal cavity, some of it like jelly.The pericardium showed cheese like necrosis adhering to the heart. Expanding and adhering to chest wall, the lung was covered with many cellulose exudate. Microscope inspected, the pulmonary alveolus were filled with edema fluid fibrous protein and eryt hrocyte. Lymp hnodes of body as a whole were dark red,serous and catarrhal inflammation. The heart, liver, spleen et al. were smear tested, gram dyed and microscope inspected, gram negative coccobacillus were found. Inoculated in blood Japanese isinglass, cultured for 48 hours in the calorstat, gram dyed and microscope inspected, pathogenic bacteria were separated just like those in the smear test. Animal regression test and pathologic changes were the same as the disease physio infected. Drug sensitivity was examined for 32 kinds of drugs by paper test, the results showed that the hig hest sensitivity were to Amikacin, Mecillinam and Sufisomezole. According to epidemic condition, clinical symptom, pathologic changes and laboratory examination, this disease was diagnosed as Haemophilus parasuis infection.
Progress In Veterinary Medicine
haemophilus parasuis infection