通过对 3种苜蓿 (紫花苜蓿、黄花苜蓿、内蒙古杂花苜蓿 )在西藏林芝地区的引种比较试验 ,结果显示此 3种苜蓿均适宜于林芝气候条件。其中紫花苜蓿表现最佳 ,其次为杂花苜蓿 ,黄花苜蓿表现较差 ,但是和甘肃、内蒙等地的研究报道相比 ,其产量。
Through the test for introduction and comparison of three kinds of clover (Medicago sativa L.?Medicago faleata L.?Medicago varia Martin.) showed that the three species are all can be adapted in the weather condition of Linzhi Tibet.Among the three species the Medicago sativa L .acquitted best on quality and Medicago faleata L .had showed lowet than the two other.Compare with the data from Gansu and Inner Mongolia We can find it had been down in the area for output or the number of brancher as well.
Journal of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine