目的 探讨以异体巩膜联合羊膜移植治疗羟基磷灰石义眼台植入后义眼台暴露的方法。方法 用钻磨器将暴露的羟基磷灰石义眼台打磨平滑,用异体巩膜和羊膜覆盖义眼台的暴露区。治疗10例,术后进行随访观察5-19月。结果 10例中9例术后8周结膜完全愈合,安装义眼后外观满意;1例术后1周巩膜羊膜植片融解脱落,2周后取出义眼台。结论 异体巩膜联合羊膜移植治疗羟基磷灰石义眼台植入后暴露是效果良好的治疗方法。
Objective To investigate the treatment of exposed hydroxyapatite implant in orbit. Methods The surface of the exposed hydroxyapatite implant was smoothed by a powered grader in ten cases.Then they were covered by the allogenic scleral and amniotic graft. Results Nine of ten patients achieved satisfactory cosmetic appearance after final prosthetic fitting eight weeks after transplantation. Graft melting occurred in one patient one week after transplantetion and the hydroxyapatite ball was removed at 2 weeks postoperative. Conclusion Combined allogenic scleral and amniotic transplantation is an effective method to treat exposed hydroxyapatite implant.
Journal of Injuries and Occupational Diseases of the Eye with Ophthalmic Surgeries