目的 探讨颈部烧伤瘢痕挛缩畸形不同手术方法的优缺点和治疗体会。方法 颈部瘢痕切除松解后分别采用中厚皮、全厚皮移植或皮瓣转移覆盖的方法修复。结果 5 7例皮片移植的病例中成功者 5 5例 ,成功率 96 5 % ,虽然 7例皮瓣覆盖病例均成功 (两者经统计学处理差异无显著意义 ) ,但后者外观臃肿。
Objective To discuss the advantage and experience of different methods of surgical treatment of cervical scar contracture(CSC).Methods Medium/total thick skin grafting or local rotational flap was adopted after cervical scar was loosed and resected.Results Skin grafting was used in 57 cases.It was vivid in 55 cases(96.5%).Although the local rotational flap used in 7 cases was vivid(100%) the appearance was swollen.There is no significant difference between two methods.Conclusion Using skin grafting to treat CSC is preferable.
Chinese Journal of Primary Medicine and Pharmacy