根据Jacobson的液体分子自由程理论和液体声速与分子自由程的关系 ,推导出多元有机混合液声速的温度系数、压力系数和非线性声参量B/A的计算公式 ,并根据组成多元有机混合液各组分特性参量 (密度、自由程、非线性声参量B/A、等压膨胀系数、等温压缩系数等 ) ,利用给出的公式对声速的温度系数、压力系数、非线性声参量B/A进行了数值计算 ,并将计算结果与实验结果进行了比较 .
According to the Jacobson's Molecular Free Length Theory in liquids and the relationship between the ultrasonic velocity and the molecular free length in organic liquids, a relationship between the parameter of every component of the mixture and the nonlinear acoustic parameter B/A and the characteristics of the ultrasonic velocity in the mixtures made up of multi kinds of organic liquids is derived. When the parameter of every component (the density, the ultrasonic velocity, the free length, the isothermal compressibility coefficient, the isotonic expandibility coefficient、 the nonlinear acoustic parameter B/A, ect.) is given, the characteristics of the ultrasonic velocity and the nonlinear acoustic parameter B/A of the mixtures can be calculated. The calculated results are in agreement with the experimental results. [
Chinese Journal of Computational Physics