随着IP技术的迅速发展和应用以及SDH光传输设备在现代通信网络中的广泛应用 ,大家对ID与IP的认识也不断深入。本文首先比较深入地讨论了ID与IP地址的基本概念 ,与此同时 ,阐述了二者的关系和区分 ;接着 ,讨论了子网掩码的相关内容 ;最后 ,介绍了在实际工作中非常有用的两条命令及其用法。
With the development and application of IP technology in SDH optical communication network, we pay more attention to ID&IP technology. This article discusses the basic conception of ID&IP firstly; Meanwhile the relation and difference between ID and IP are concerned; The concerning contents of subnet mask technology are given secondly; At last, we introduce two useful commands of IP including their usage.
Information Technology