198 7年 2月至 2 0 0 1年 8月 ,对铁布自然保护区 (E1 0 2°5 8′~ 1 0 3°1 1′,N34°0 2′~ 34°1 2′)四川梅花鹿食物蕴藏量与负载量的野外调查结果表明 :四川梅花鹿的食物基地可划分为亚高山灌丛草甸、亚高山森林灌丛草甸、高山灌丛草甸、河谷灌丛草甸 4种类型 ,它们的食物生产力分别为 49 2 0g/m2 、 48 0 9g/m2 、 5 7 66g/m2 和 39 1 3g/m2 (干重 ) ,食物基地的总有效利用面积约为 37 79km2 ,食物理论蕴藏量为 1 989 44t,四川梅花鹿的平均日食量干重约为 3 61kg ,由此测算出保护区对鹿较适宜的理论负载量约为 45 0~ 75 0只 ,最大理论负载量为 1 5 0 0只左右。冬末春初 ( 2~ 4月 )食物的蕴藏量是限制该保护区鹿种群数量的关键因子。影响食物蕴藏量与负载量的因子有干旱。
From February 1987 to August 2001, Sichuan sika deer′s( Cervus nippon sichuanicus ) food resources and loading capacity in Tiebu Nature Reserve ( E 102°58′~103°11′,N 34°02′~ 34°12′)were investigated. Sika deer's foraging habitat is divided into four types: subalpine brush meadow, subalpine forest brush meadow, alpine brush meadow and river valley brush meadow. Their food output were 49 20 g/m 2 , 48 09 g/m 2 , 57 66 g/m 2 , 105 4 g/m 2 ( on dry weight basis) respectively. The total effective area for deer foraging in Tiebu Nature Reserve is 37 79 km 2 . The food resources were about 1 989 44 t (on dry weight basis ). The average daily food consumption per Sichuan sika deer was about 3 61 kg (on dry weight basis).It is estimated that the maximum theoreticalnumber of deer population isabout1 500 for the reserve but the optimum number is about 450-750. The food resource between February and April is the critical factor in limiting the size of deer population in this Reserve. The factors influencing sika deer′s food resources and loading capacityin Tiebu Nature Reserve are drought and disturbances from human and livestocks.
Acta Theriologica Sinica
四川省教委重点课题基金资助项目 [川教计 1 997(1 3 3 ) ]
Sichuan sika deer ( Cervus nipponsichuanicus )
Food resources
Loading capacity
Tiebu Nature Reserve