The apoptosis in human acute lymphoblastic leukemia cell line Molt 4 cell and macrophage cell line Ana 1 cell are studied after internal irradiation with enriched uranium 235 U. The cumulative absorption dose of 235 U in cultural cells through different periods are estimated. The fluorescence microscopic observations indicate that Molt 4 and Ana 1 immune cells internally irradiated by 235 U displayed significant chromatin fragmentation and marked pyknosis in immune cells nuclei, as well as DNA chain fragmentation and apoptotic bodies formation. It should be noted that DNA chain fragmentation induced by 235 U may be inhibited statistically by IL 2 (interleukin 2) or IL 6 treatment.
Chromatin, DNA chain fragmentation,Apoptosis, Molt 4 cell, Ana 1 cell, Enriched uranium, IL 2, IL 6