万历前期 ,文坛由门派相轻转向融通整合 ,文学活动带有游宴娱乐的性质。作为文坛领袖 ,王世贞追求自适之乐 ,人生态度已接近性灵派。但他又被内顾之念牵掣 ,缺乏追求个体独立的迈往精神。他晚年重新接受吴中文化陶养 ,喜好白、苏诗风 ,折衷调剂 ,引导文坛转向 ,并提出了“真我”、“真诗”、“辞达”、“天则”等一系列近于性灵说的说法 ,但其宗旨又皆与性灵说不同。他的理论主张属于有理性、有节制的自然表现论 。
In the former part of Wanli Dynasty,the literature actions were recreational. As the chief of the literary world,Wang Shizhen favor to self relaxing. His life attitude was close to the Gongan clique. On the other hand,he was short of individual spirit. He liked the poem style made by Su Shi and Bai Juyi and spark plug some concept close to the Personality schools literature thoughts,but they were not the same. His literature theory and comment was a turn in the course of events.
Journal of Soochow University(Philosophy & Social Science Edition)