目的 :评价血管紧张素转换酶 (ACE)基因多态性与脑梗死发生和复发及其危险因素的关系。方法 :测定复发及首发性脑梗死患者各60例 ,提取DNA做ACE基因多态性检测。结果 :DD基因型频率和D等位基因频率在复发性脑梗死患者中明显增加 (均P<0.01)。伴有高血压脑梗死患者DD基因型频率明显高于无高血压患者(P<0.05) ,且伴有脑血管病 (CVD)家族史者DI基因型明显高于无家族史者 (P<0.01)。结论 :ACE基因多态性可能和脑梗死的复发有关 ,在高血压人群和有脑血管病家族史的人群中进行ACE基因调查 ,可及早发现脑梗死发生和复发的高危人群 ,对脑梗死的防治意义重大。
Objective:To investigate the relationship between recurrent infarction and angiotensin I_converting enzyme(ACE)gene polymorphism.Methods:To study ACE gene in 60 patients with recurrent cerebral infarction,60 patients with first cerebr al infarction,and 60 controls by polymerase chain reaction(PCR).Results:DD geno type was significantly higher in recurrent cerebral infarction group(P<0.01),and the same trends have been shown in hypertensive cerebral infarction and DI geno type with family history of stroke(P<0.01).Conclusion:DD genotype was probably involved in the development of recurrent cerebral infarction,DD genotype in pati ents with hypertension and DI genotype in people with family history of stroke i ncreased the risk of recurrent cerebral infarction.
Tianjin Medical Journal