A new neutral complex,99mTcCl(4-MCDO)3MeB,((Bis[4-methyl-1,2-cyclohexanedionedioximato(1-)-O]-[4-methyl-,2-cyclohexanedione-diokimato(2-)-O] methylborato(2-)-N,N',N',N,N ) -chlorotechnetium,generally called BATO(Boronic acid adducts of technetium dioximes),has been synthesized and evaluated for potential use in myocardial perfusion imaging.It has intrinsic affinity for the blood clearance.The uptake of heart,lung and blood in mice at 2 min separately are 1.12,2.48.and 6.66%ID.The complex formation is rapid,simple and highly yielded(93%).This process is easy to kit formation.