应对国外反倾销与加强我国反倾销 ,虽有联系 ,但是两个不同范围的工作目标、任务 ,受不同国家法律的制约。本文将我国应对国外反倾销与加强我国反倾销明确分开 ,探析了我国应诉现状与应诉法规 ,反倾销现状与反倾销条例的存在问题 ,并提出入世后我国应对国外反倾销与加强我国反倾销之策略。
Although response to antidumping in foreign countries and strengthening antidumping power of China are related in some way, they are working objects, tasks of two different realms, restricted by laws of different countries. The paper clearly distinguishes the response of China to antidumping and the strengthening of antidumping power of China; studies the existing problems in China's actual respondent situation and respondent enactment. Then the paper puts forward some immediate tactics for China to respond to antidumping in foreign countries and to strengthen the antidumping power of China after China's entry into WTO.
Journal of Finance and Economics