由于现浇框架梁板共同工作 ,当梁受扭时 ,板中必然产生附加弯距 ,同时板也约束了梁的转动。为了解决板与梁在扭矩作用下相互影响的问题 ,建立了数学力学模型 ,导出了计算公式。分析表明 ,板可以有效地改善梁的抗扭性能 ,但自身存在较大的附加弯距 ,易产生受力裂缝。因此又提出了计算板附加弯距的方法及公式 ,对设计有一定的参考作用 。
When the frame beam works under torsional moment, extra bending moment is to be produced in the reinforce slab because the frame beam and the reinforce slab work together. In this paper, a mechanic model is found for the interaction between the frame beam and the reinforce slab under torsional moment and the formula is deduced. Calculations show that the slabs can play an effective role in improving the anti\|torsion capacity of the frame beam, but the slab may be cracked when its extra bending moment becomes too high. Therefore, the method and the formula for the calculation of extra bending moment of the reinforce slab are also deduced in this paper. They can reduce or get rid of such kind of cracking, and hence are of referential significance for designers.
Journal of Huaihai Institute of Technology:Natural Sciences Edition
国家自然科学基金资助项目 (5 98780 13 )子项