GB/T9341 - 2 0 0 0《塑料弯曲性能试验方法》已于 2 0 0 0年 5月 1日起取代了原有的GB9341 - 1 988的标准。新老标准的一个很显著的差异就是塑料弯曲模量的计算方法改动很大。对新老标准中有关弯曲模量的计算方法进行了比较分析和探讨 ,并对如何提高数值的精确度提出了几种方法 ,为更好地理解和实施新标准作了一些补充。
禤lastics Determination of flexural properties》 GB/T9341-2000 has replaced the old standard, GB9341-1988, on May 1 st 2001. The most notable difference between the two standards is the calculation of flexural modulus. This article indicates some defects in the old standard, analyses the developments in the new one, and also points out the method to improve the accuracy of flexural modulus.
Physical Testing and Chemical Analysis(Part A:Physical Testing)