借助两种不同的方法 ,测定了冷轧薄板的应变硬化指数 (n)、塑性应变比 (r)值和伸长率。在GALDABINISUN1 0 0 0试验机上 ,用光学非接触引伸计在GRAPHWORK 1软件上实现冷轧薄板的n和r值及伸长率的自动测量 ;在INSTRON 1 1 86试验机上 ,用YYU5 0 5 0引伸计在LZC2软件上自动测量冷轧薄板的n值 ,手工测量r值和伸长率。将两种方法得到的试验结果进行比较 ,发现两种方法的结果非常接近。用光学非接触引伸计在GRAPHWORK 1软件上自动测量的n和r值及伸长率具有较高的可靠性和重现性。
The strain hardening exponent( n ), plastic strain ratio value( r ) and elongation of the cold rolled thin shect have been measured by two different methods. Method 1: The strain hardening exponent( n ), plastic strain ratio value( r ) and elongation were measured automatically in GALDABINI SUN 1000 machine using video extensometer and GRAPHWORK 1 software. Method 2: The work hardening exponent( n ) was measured automatically in INSTRON 1186 machine using YYU5050 extensometer and LZC2 software; the plastic strain ratio value( r ) and elongation were measured manually. Comparing the results by two different methods, we find that the results of two different methods are nearly the same. So the automaticall method using video extensometer in GRAPHWORK 1 software shows high considerbility and repeatability.
Physical Testing and Chemical Analysis(Part A:Physical Testing)